
Helping you

to achieve

your aims & dreams

with a new career

Bail Bond


in the comfort of your home

Learing the skills

of bail bondsmen

on your time

Why Use Us?

SMD & HLS Bail Bonds have been in business since 1960 and is a successful 3rd generation business. We are an ODI State-Authorized self-study course provider for Surety Bail Bond Agent pre-licensing needs for the state of Ohio.

By ODI regulations, you must pass the exam before you are rewarded a COURSE COMPLETION CERTIFICATE. (If you’re not a disciplined self-learner, a self study course may not be for you!)


Schedule your exam at least 2 weeks in advance; pick the date and time you wish to take the exam, and a few alternates, and we’ll book your appointment. Most of the time within 30 miles of your home or work address.

You are responsible for transportation to and from the exam location. Exam will begin at the exact time scheduled and you have exactly one hour later to complete the exam. By ODI rules, there is no make-up time permitted.

Fast, easy
and affordable

A. We include course rules, Ohio Department of Insurance handbook, and course textbook.

B. $225 Pays the course registration & exam fees.

C. We only accept checks and money orders at this time.